Occupational Health and Safety is a must

Occupational health and safety, also known as occupational health and occupational safety, is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the protection, welfare, and health of employed individuals at work. The purpose of this discipline is to promote quality of life and improve the productivity of workers; however, it should not be confused with occupational therapy, which is a profession concerned with correcting conditions related to the physical environment of the worker such as back pain or musculoskeletal issues. An Occupational Health Wales company like Insight Occupational health can support you in many of these areas to help ensure you are protecting your employees.

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A good occupational health program can control and prevent almost all health problems, even fatal diseases like heart disease, cancer, and infections. This includes preventing occupational hazards, analyzing current hazards, designing safe workplaces, implementing safety systems, and rewarding injured workers. It also involves educating the workers, their families, employers, and the communities about health risks and workplace safety.

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Occupational health professionals identify and define the potential hazards in the workplace, formulate measures to avoid them, recommend safety equipment or devices, and provide support for employees affected by occupational illnesses or injury. These health professionals are responsible for avoiding a variety of dangerous situations. They help to establish policies concerning the identification, evaluation, control, prevention, and treatment of hazardous substances. They also deal with legal aspects of occupational health and identify the rights of employees to submit a claim to the employer if they have been harmed as a result of a hazardous exposure.

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