Why is Massage Good For You?

With the advances in technology and medicine, more people are asking the question: Why is massage good for you? After all, is there any real benefit to this natural therapy? There are many different types of massage therapy that can be used for relief of muscle pain and soreness as well as promote relaxation, stress relief, blood circulation, joint and bone recovery, and more. Find out more about the benefits of massage at a Physio Monmouth like Clinikind

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If you have sore muscles from playing sports or if you have injuries, massage is a great way to help with muscle pain and soreness. Many people think that massage is simply rubbing the muscles, but actually it includes strokes, kneading, squeezing, and other techniques that move the muscles in a natural motion. These techniques will relieve tension in the muscles and will also stretch and lengthen the muscles. Stretching and lengthening the muscles will increase range of motion and make the movement more comfortable.

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When it comes to healing injuries, massage is a good way to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process. By relaxing the muscles and applying pressure to them, massage will improve circulation. It will also relieve any tightness in the muscles, making them more flexible and less painful. Stretching and lengthening the muscles will also reduce the amount of time needed for physical therapy.

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