What is the sun made of

The Sun provides us with all the heat and light that we need for life to be sustained on Earth. During the summer months when the sun can blaze in through our office windows, it can be a good idea to have some Brise Soleil like the ones from Aluminium Systems fitted. These help to stop the sunlight from streaming straight in through the windows and it can then reduce the temperature inside the building.

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The sun is made up of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, iron and nickel. Almost three-quarters of its mass is made up of hydrogen, almost a third of helium and the remaining small amount of iron, nickel and oxygen.

The sun is constantly making helium. This is through the process of nuclear fusion which occurs in its inner layers. It is this nuclear fusion that turns hydrogen into helium.

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Every star goes through a number of phases during its lifetime. The sun is currently in its red giant phase. Following on from this the sun’s mass will collapse in on itself and it will then shrink into a white dwarf. By the time it has gone through this final phase, it will be about the size of Earth. When this activity will occur is relatively unknown but if it moves from red giant to white dwarf, the sun will engulf the Earth and all the other seven planets in our solar system.

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