The damage that can occur to your roof

You probably do not want to think too much about your roof. It’s something that you’d just expect to be there doing it’s job and keeping out the wet and rain. Sadly there are so many ways that you need to be aware of that can damage your roof and mean that you will need the help of a Gloucester Roofer. Not to worry if this does happen it can be restored.

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First of all is Wind. High speed winds have an annoying tendency to get under the slate tiles and start to push them up. This means that someone has to go up there and bang them back in place otherwise the situation will only get worse. For example this issue if untreated can lead to the second problem of wet and rain. Once it gets in it can cause the roof beams to expand and cause the tile to crack or make others rise.

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The third problem is wildlife, mainly but not limited to birds. Our feathered friends are always on the lookout for a nice place to nest and your  roof could be the answer to their prayers. Once they get in they can cause slates to rise or even knock them off completely.

We haven’t even mentioned lightning strikes, torrential rain, heavy snow, frost and meteor strikes. To be fair, that last one is not really worth mentioning.

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