Training all your staff should have

Being an employer comes with a lot of responsibilities. Not only do you need to ensure that your staff are able to fulfil their jobs effectively, but you need to keep them safe whilst they do it. This can mean not only providing them with any necessary equipment but also giving them any training that they need. This could be training that is needed for their job roles and or training that might be needed for the environment that they work in. Here are some types of training that you might want to consider for your staff members.

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First Aid – there are many reasons that you should have staff members take Emergency First Aid Training Courses like the ones from, with the most important being that it can help you save people’s lives. It can also be a legal requirement for businesses of a certain size to have first aid support.

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Fire Marshal – if a fire occurs in your place of work, you need to be able to evacuate people safely, and the best way to do this is by having staff members trained as fire marshalls. Not only can they support people in an evacuation, but they can help assess whether there are any fire risks in a place of work on a daily basis.

Health and Safety – it is important that risk assessments are undertaken for both your business premise but also any projects or work that you are undertaking. If you have any equipment that you use, you should also have risk assessments for these. It is important that you have trained staff to be able to ensure that these risk assessments are completed correctly.

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