Three Top Tips for a Relaxing and Restful Bedroom

Something that is essential to our wellbeing is being able to relax. Most people lead busy lives and have a lot of demands on them, so having a space which is comfortable and relaxing to retreat to is important.

The bedroom is the ideal place to create this relaxation space – not only is it a place which is more private than the rest of the home, but it is also something that will benefit sleep – by creating a more relaxing bedroom, you will probably find that you also start sleeping better and feeling more restored.

Here are some ways to bring that calm and peace into your bedroom and routine…

Use Aromatherapy – A great way to relax is to use scent. Calming scents like lavender and chamomile are ideal for using in the bedroom. Make sure that they are natural scents, and do not contain chemicals like the artificial ones do, as these can cause breathing problems and headaches. Natural essential oils can help your brain to get into relaxation mode and prepare to rest.

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De-Clutter – If you have a bedroom that is somewhat disorganised, then it is probably not the most relaxing place to spend time. Cleaning and tidying will make the bedroom a much nicer space to relax and unwind in. If you are having trouble with storage, look into storage solutions for your bedroom such as these bespoke fitted wardrobes and if you have a lot of stuff that you no longer use, take it to a charity shop or recycling point.

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Remember what the Room is for – Many people will have a television or computer in the bedroom, which then stops the room being associated with sleep, and it is a kind of second living room or office. If you must have devices like this in the room, then use a screen to section that area of the room off at night so that part of your life is kept separate from the space that you relax and rest in. Too much light from phones and televisions stops the brain from wanting to sleep and can play havoc with sleep patterns, so it is also a good idea to have an hour away from phones and tablets before bed.

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