A traditional, Irish gift for your favourite male relative of two fisherman sweaters for men. 

Any male relative would be over the moon to receive a traditional Irish fisherman’s sweater from a professional company such as https://www.shamrockgift.com/aran-sweaters/mens-aran-sweaters/ as a gift.  Being originally made off the West coast of Ireland in Connemara on the Aran Islands these very traditional sweaters were made using a cable pattern and natural sheep coloured wool. Long ago in the 1950’s many of the local men on the Island, were traditionally fishermen and their loving wives would have hand knitted for them a thick, woollen Aran sweater to wear out on their boats to help keep them warm and cosy, until they returned safely home from the sea.

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Your favourite male relative will be greatly enamoured by your generous gift of two traditionally knitted fisherman sweaters and will no doubt wear one of them to your next family get together. Proudly showing off the classic cable stitch pattern and sturdy craftsmanship to anyone who will listen. Having purchased your men’s sweaters from a professional company you will then have their contact details to enable you to purchase any future traditional Irish gifts.

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Male and female Uncles and Aunties, alongside cousins, grandparents, brothers and sisters you’re your parents of course, will all love the Irish gifts you purchase from the same professional company. Irish Flat Caps, key rings with four leaf clovers, Guinness glasses and many other traditional Irish gifts for all your family and friends, from the same elite company.

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