What to decorate your rental property with.

If you have a very good relationship with your landlord, and you intend to stay in the property for a very long time you might be able to negotiate with them to redecorate. In most cases the landlord’s taste generally rules, and also in most cases that taste seems to extend to magnolia only. All of this will be included in the inventory report created with the Property Inventory Software so that both of you will know what state the property was in when you took it on and what it should be, or as close to when you leave.

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So that begs the question, why bother? If you’re going to have to make it all magnolia again that seems like a lot of effort. A good general tip would be that before you go out buying William Morris wallpaper or some deep purple paint for a feature wall it might be an idea to weigh up what you should do.

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The main points are, can you do a good enough job and how long are you going to be living there? Renting by its very nature is a very fleeting thing. You are never truly in charge of the property’s future. In the end, are you just improving the place for the landlord?

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