Three Ways to Improve your Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things for both our bodies and our brains. Getting enough sleep is important as without it mental health problems can worsen, the immune system does not work as well and our moods and performance at work can also take a turn for the worse. So, there are lots of good reasons to make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep.

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If you are struggling to get enough shut eye, here are a few things that may improve the sleep that you have…

Turn off Electronics – Using devices like your phone or tablet or having a television on in your bedroom can make you get to sleep less easily due to the light put out and the effect it has on the brain. If you need help to drop off, try reading or listening to a podcast or sleep meditation.

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De-Clutter – A cluttered sleeping area will make getting to sleep more difficult so make sure that your bedroom is a tranquil sleep haven. Think of storage solutions like these fitted wardrobes Dorset based company Lamco Wardrobes provide and get rid of things that you are not using any longer.

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Before Bed – These substances can have a detrimental effect on sleep, so try to cut them out in the evenings. Instead, drink something like chamomile tea, which will aid sleep and help you to get a much better night of rest.

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