Learning About The History Of Drains

The history of drains dates back to more than a century. During the early eighteen hundreds, Roman engineers were busy constructing drains in Rome. Among the drains constructed during this time were two drainage canals in the Spanish Steps, one of which was linked to the Campi del Bisagra and the other to the Lido. It is thought that these drains were used to connect these two bodies of water to each other, while the drain from the Campi del Bisagra linked the west branch of the River Arno to the fountain of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

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When the city was sacked by the Huns, all of the Roman drains on the roads leading to the city were washed away along with the walls and buildings. Water-based drainage systems became the norm instead of underground pipes, The Romans were merely copying the Greeks. They had already been experimenting with the idea that public health was a good idea. However they were just copying the designs and ideas of the Babylonians who had themselves learnt it from the Indus Valley civilisations.

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It was these people who had taken the time to construct long stone channels to tap into the fast flowing Indus river as it came down from the Himalayas. The water flowed into the city and then it was channeled into homes and public spaces saving everyone a trip. The water that was channelled out was the wastewater that had been used and soiled. Effectively their first drainage system that there was. Today our systems are much more sophisticated and it takes a professional company to be able to install these correctly and an Emergency Plumber Bristol way such asĀ  bristolboilerservice.co.uk can help with any emergencies that you might have.

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