The noble art of Hurling. A great sport to play

One of the oldest games in the world, yet it played very little outside of Ireland and Scotland, is the game of Hurling or Shinty (depending which country you come from). It is a fast contact sport that is played with similar rules to Football, Hockey, La Crosse with a bit of Rugby thrown in. However, those four sports all owe a debt to their creation because of Hurling as it predates the lot of them. It was brought to Ireland via the Celts. Suffice to say there is the potential for injury as you swing the Hurley about. Not to worry, there is always the attention of a Chiropractor Dublin based operation that can help you.

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The game is said to have been played before Christianity came to Ireland. It seems to have been a substitute for all out war at times with scores of players, way more than the regulation 12 a side that you have today. There was no record of them wearing helmets either (which they have to do now).

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The aim of the game is to move a small ball up the field passing it back and forth using the hurley and also using it score. This can be through 2 goals. The goal is a H shape. Over the bar is one point underneath is worth three, but you have to beat the Goalkeeper to do it.

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